Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Are you stuck in the same old reading rut? Tired of the same old, same old thing? Boy meets girl... girl meets ... vampire, you know. Why not try something new? Have a bind date with... a book!

We know some books are very popular, ahem, we're looking at you Twilight' and 'Harry Potter'. And you too, 'Lemony Snickett' and 'Nancy Drew'. But there are lots, and lots of talented authors and enthralling books you guys just don't seem to see...

So, this week, the library has picked out some amazing books, some older, some brand new, authors and titles that we think you'll really love, once you get to know them. We wrapped them in plain white paper and added a cute heart (because well, it's Valentine's Day!), and then a few words describing the subject matter of the book- things like 'Family Drama, 'Plot Twist', 'Espionage', 'Not your average vampire', 'Sister, Sister', etc. We printed out the books' barcodes and stuck them on as well so that you could use them to scan your choice out!

To take part, all you have to do is, agree to create a 50 word comment, right here, about the book you got. I'm looking forward to reading your reactions to the book that you decide to 'date.' If you loved it, that's great. And if you don't.? Just return it, no awkward questions and we promise, its feelings won't be hurt. So come on in, we're looking out for you, but hurry, we've loaned 55 books in 1 hour... that table's getting empty!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

(Web) Surf Safer!

Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by Insafe in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people across the world. This year, the theme for the day is 'Online rights and responsibilities', to encourage everyone to 'Connect with respect'. 
Check out the award winning (acceptable use!) poster created by Nicole from the UK,

and then watch this video for even more tips about how to protect yourself online and how to use the resources you find there ethically and responsibly!