Wednesday, 9 October 2013

International School Libraries Month is here again!

We all know that school libraries are really awesome places to find information when you need it, to check out the most exciting books, to discover how to use the newest, coolest apps anywhere and to connect with friends, new and old, in person or online. But this is just the start... even after you leave school, you'll still be able to use the skills you have learned in our school library to find and use information, in all kinds of formats, to do whatever you want.

The characters in our ISLM poster illustrate some of the media  we use in our library to share information - 

* Brittney Books,*  Lana Laptop, * Polly Poster, * Ivan iPod, * Tanya Tablet, * Molly Magazine & *Edward eReader and * Nelly Newspaper.

All this month, there will be book talks, read aloud sessions, displays and many other activities on each week. The library prefects will even be assisting as official helpers at the NALIS Fun Day on Sunday 27th October at the National Library bulding!


So don't forget to pop in and check out what's on @ Our Library!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

New Book Bonanza

Over the August vacation, the library staff and prefects worked very hard to prepare our space and resources for everyone. Ms. Shepherd even joked that we might have to hang books from the ceiling, as we tried to make space for over 300 new books.

So, finally yesterday we finished the last of the Form 1 library orientation sessions and distributed the last of their library cards. And today for the first time in this new school year, we issued loans for all forms.

It was a awesome day! Over 240 students came into the library, and 72 people borrowed 104 books!

But there are plenty more where those came from. So if you missed out today, drop in tomorrow. The library will be open from 7.00 am to 3.45 pm and don't forget your library card!
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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Corpus Christi

The procession begins!
In 1246, in the city of Liege, Belgium, on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday in 1246 the Feast of Corpus Christi was celebrated for the first time.

Corpus Christi is a public exhibition of faith when the consecrated host, in a monstrance or ostensorium, is held high and paraded through the streets in procession.

It was the lifelong dream of St. Juliana  who was born in 1193 at Retines near Liège. She was orphaned at an early age and she was educated at and eventually joined the Mont Cornillon Abbey.

As a young girl, St. Juliana, always had a special love for the Blessed Sacrament, and longed for a special feast in its honour. She shared her hope with  the Bishop of Liège, Robert de Thorete,with Hugh, the Cardinal Legate of the Netherlands, and with the  Archdeacon of Liège, Jacques Pantaléon who became Bishop of Verdun, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and eventually Pope Urban IV. Bishop Robert was favourably impressed, and ordered the celebration to be held in the following year.

Mass at the savannah
The feast was celebrated for the first time by the canons of St. Martin at Liège in 1246. Pope Urban IV, always an admirer of the feast, published the Bull "Transiturus" (8 September, 1264), in which, after having extolled the love of Our Saviour as expressed in the Holy Eucharist, he ordered that the annual celebration to extend to the entire world. He also granted many indulgences to the faithful for the attendance at Mass and at the Office.

This year, because of the ongoing restoration works at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, after holy mass at 8.30 am at the Grand Stand in the Queen’s Park Savannah, our local procession will begin. It will end outside our closed cathedral.

There will be three benediction stops along the way—outside the Rosary Church on Henry Street; outside the Sacred Heart Church on Richmond Street and finally outside the main entrance to the cathedral. We hope to see you all there!

Friday, 12 April 2013

A space odyssey... via Moscow!

Each year, many countries celebrate Space Day. The aim is to promote Maths, Science, Technology and Engineering education by capturing young people’s enthusiasm for space and inspiring them to continue the work of today’s space explorers.

The music video below is actually a collaborative effort of the rock group, Barenaked Ladies and Chris Hadfield, a Canadian astronaut. On December 19, 2012, he set out aboard a Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) where he is currently living and working in aboard the ISS as part of the crew of Expedition 34/35. You can find out more about him and his work here or follow him on Twitter. He often posts truly amazing photographs from space!


 Today, Ms Tatyana Chernaya shared this presentation, which was created by students in her class. They all attend a distance school in Moscow, Russia. Look at their slide show and think about what questions we can ask them about life in outer space and about life in Moscow.


 Then share your questions on the padlet (wallwisher) below and check back to see their answers!

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Happy Holidays!

As a Roman Catholic convent school, it is very easy sometimes to forget that other peoples also have celebrations. Today for billions of Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Catholics and other Christians is Easter, the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

This week is special also for the world's Jews as they honour the tradition of Pesach, or Passover. This 7 day festival begins on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan,and celebrates in remembrance of the Angel of God "passing over" and sparing the houses of the Jews when he was slaying the firstborn of Egypt.

One thing all of these days have in common, is the emphasis on sharing them with one's family. So, whether you are rejoicing in the risen Lord or commemorating the ancient Israelites being freed from slavery out of Egypt, I wish everyone a great weekend of celebrating!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Habemus papam Franciscum!

When many of us returned home after J'ouvert, to discover that Pope Benedict the First had stepped down, our school as community reeled in shock. Many of us put off really considering what it meant for our Church until Ash Wednesday when the full impact of this decision really hit home.

In the library, we got to work creating an exhibit about the workings of the college of cardinals, the traditions of the conclave and the presumed papabile. And to make sure we got the most in depth and current information, we went online. It was the most blogged about event all month, even eclipsing Carnival! Our display took a lot of time to research, assemble and mount, but when it was done, judging on the duration of past conclaves, we figured that it would be up until the end of term...

So just imagine our shock, when at about 2 o'clock on only the second day, our Skype and Twitter accounts blew up with the news that there was smoke from the chimney of the Sistine chapel and... it was white! Teachers and students rushed to the library, checking for details on the desktops and their laptops and smartphones, while watching the television with baited breath.

This term our Form 1s have been looking at the importance of digital media in their lives. They've described it 'like air, all around , all the time and essential to our lives'! So this shouldn't have surprised us at all, but it still did... 

Check out video above from France24 and share the digital media reactions of the world!

Friday, 22 March 2013

Conserving water is important!

Today is World Water Day. It is a day co-ordinated by UNESCO, as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Each year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater and this year it is dedicated to the theme of cooperation around water.

Water is of course, essential to human life and easy and equitable access to clean water greatly improves everyone's living conditions. We know that in the dry season, sometimes our reservoirs run almost dry and we have to ration water. Then you are only able to get water every other day or only for a few hours. That can make it hard to bathe and clean and cook every day and you don't get to water your plants. So we all recognise that conserving water is very important.You should try to make a difference in your home too!

We are a part of the great World Water Day project organised by Mr Graffin's class at West Leederville Primary School in Perth, Australia. Click on the picture above to visit it and leave a stickie to share how you feel about water co-operation and water conservation! And don't forget to check out 'Save it, share it!', our amazingly informative video (above) featuring the really fun song written by our own SJCPOS Young Leaders!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Are you stuck in the same old reading rut? Tired of the same old, same old thing? Boy meets girl... girl meets ... vampire, you know. Why not try something new? Have a bind date with... a book!

We know some books are very popular, ahem, we're looking at you Twilight' and 'Harry Potter'. And you too, 'Lemony Snickett' and 'Nancy Drew'. But there are lots, and lots of talented authors and enthralling books you guys just don't seem to see...

So, this week, the library has picked out some amazing books, some older, some brand new, authors and titles that we think you'll really love, once you get to know them. We wrapped them in plain white paper and added a cute heart (because well, it's Valentine's Day!), and then a few words describing the subject matter of the book- things like 'Family Drama, 'Plot Twist', 'Espionage', 'Not your average vampire', 'Sister, Sister', etc. We printed out the books' barcodes and stuck them on as well so that you could use them to scan your choice out!

To take part, all you have to do is, agree to create a 50 word comment, right here, about the book you got. I'm looking forward to reading your reactions to the book that you decide to 'date.' If you loved it, that's great. And if you don't.? Just return it, no awkward questions and we promise, its feelings won't be hurt. So come on in, we're looking out for you, but hurry, we've loaned 55 books in 1 hour... that table's getting empty!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

(Web) Surf Safer!

Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by Insafe in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people across the world. This year, the theme for the day is 'Online rights and responsibilities', to encourage everyone to 'Connect with respect'. 
Check out the award winning (acceptable use!) poster created by Nicole from the UK,

and then watch this video for even more tips about how to protect yourself online and how to use the resources you find there ethically and responsibly!